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Tsev teev Ntuj XH.XYOOJ THOJ PAUL, zos Tiaj Ntxhw


Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty

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Suav neeg tuaj saib, txij hnub 17/09/2010 los mus.

4 posters

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique

    Messages : 3770
    Date d'inscription : 2009-10-16

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Post  Mim 10th October 2011, 5:16 pm

    Nyob zoo sawv daws,

    muaj neeg xa lub site no tuaj rau kuv saib kuv puas xav koom nrog lawv hais Saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb thiab no. Tiam sis yog ua lus Aas Kiv xwb. Kuv coj tuaj tso rau cov uas paub lus Aas Kiv, yog nej leej twg nquag xav koom no ces nej mus taum mloog thiab nrog lawv hais ua ke los tau. Nej mus lub sij hawm twg los tau tag li, yeej muaj tus hais tas mus li nyob hauv, thiab lawv muaj qhov qhia tias muaj pes tsawg leej tuaj koom teev ntuj lub sij hawm ntawd tib si.

    Maiv Paj Lug
    Maiv Paj Lug
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique

    Messages : 1235
    Date d'inscription : 2009-08-17

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty Re: Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Post  Maiv Paj Lug 11th October 2011, 2:47 am

    WOW.......zoo tiag tiag li os Mim, ua tsaug koj tseem qhia peb thiab os nawd, txawm yog lus English xwb los peb yeej to taub kawg...kuv los kuj paub lus Spain tsawm tsavw thiab ob yam kuv paub ti si, tam sim no kiag kuv nrog 145 leeg hais saw mab liab.

    Zoo dhau lawm os, ua yus kua muag los thiab siab yuj plaws rau Tswv Ntuj niam. o)

    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique

    Messages : 3770
    Date d'inscription : 2009-10-16

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty Re: Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Post  Mim 11th October 2011, 10:22 am

    Maiv Paj Lug,

    Yog koj nyiam los haj yam zoo xwb. Kuv kuj nyiam mus koom lawv hais Saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb li no thiab tiag... Yog muaj coob leej koom, muaj coob lub suab thov, peb zaj thov yuav muaj zog, thiab Tswv Ntuj yuav mloog sawv daws dua.
    Tub Kawm
    Tub Kawm
    Phooj Ywg
    Phooj Ywg

    Messages : 375
    Date d'inscription : 2011-10-13

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty Re: Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Post  Tub Kawm 15th October 2011, 7:35 pm

    Nyob zoo Mim thiab Mp neb hais li ntawd es ua li peb nyob rau sab ntuj no, ib pawg ntseeg twg puas yuav sib sau los nrog lawv hais txoj saw Mab Liab rau hnub ntawd los tsis hais nav. Thiab yog vim li cas kuv teb ib tus cov lus xwb ces ho tso tsi tau tawm li. Yog sim mas twb tawm txuas ua ke haub qab lawm, tiam sis yog kuv nias rau "send" kom tawm mas tsi pom tshwm li. Tsuas yog sau tau zaj tshiab xwb. Yog kuv tsi txawj los yog tshuav qhov twg nav. Thiab kuv lub npe ua cas ho nyob dua ib qho lawm tsis keeb nej li thov nej pab nrog kho rau.
    Maiv Tooj
    Maiv Tooj
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique

    Messages : 5527
    Date d'inscription : 2009-08-18

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty Re: Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Post  Maiv Tooj 16th October 2011, 6:08 am

    Nyob zoo tub Txawj Tuam,

    Qhov chaw lawv teev Saw Mab Liab nov, yog leej twg muaj caij los nrog lawv sib koom teev ua ke mas kuj zoo heev, yim coob yim zoo xwb. Yog tsis sib sau coob leej ua ke nrog lawv teev los yus tib leeg nrog lawv teev ua ke los tau li.

    Tub Txawj Tuam, tej thaud yog cab sab ntawm koj khiav qeeb es thaum koj nias "Send" thiaj li muaj ntsis daig xwb. Tab sis koj txhob maj, koj Send tag ces koj tos ib pliag seb nws puas tshwm, tsam ntshe yog Internet khiav qeeb xwb nws tsis ploj. Ntawm kuv mas tej zaud kuj ploj thiab, tab sis tsawg zaud xwb. Zaum no ces kuv nco ntsoov zwm tseg (copy) rau ntawm kuv tus nas tsuag tso kuv mam li Xa tawm. Tab sis nej tsis muaj "nas tsuag" ces nej yuav tau ua ob peb zaug sau li kuv tau hais los hauv lub Topic Txais Tos XH.Ntxoov Tsab neb" mas thiaj li yuav tsis nkim sij hawm.
    Tub Kawm
    Tub Kawm
    Phooj Ywg
    Phooj Ywg

    Messages : 375
    Date d'inscription : 2011-10-13

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty Re: Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Post  Tub Kawm 16th October 2011, 11:35 am

    Maiv Tooj wrote:

    Nyob zoo tub Txawj Tuam,

    Qhov chaw lawv teev Saw Mab Liab nov, yog leej twg muaj caij los nrog lawv sib koom teev ua ke mas kuj zoo heev, yim coob yim zoo xwb. Yog tsis sib sau coob leej ua ke nrog lawv teev los yus tib leeg nrog lawv teev ua ke los tau li.

    Tub Txawj Tuam, tej thaud yog cab sab ntawm koj khiav qeeb es thaum koj nias "Send" thiaj li muaj ntsis daig xwb. Tab sis koj txhob maj, koj Send tag ces koj tos ib pliag seb nws puas tshwm, tsam ntshe yog Internet khiav qeeb xwb nws tsis ploj. Ntawm kuv mas tej zaud kuj ploj thiab, tab sis tsawg zaud xwb. Zaum no ces kuv nco ntsoov zwm tseg (copy) rau ntawm kuv tus nas tsuag tso kuv mam li Xa tawm. Tab sis nej tsis muaj "nas tsuag" ces nej yuav tau ua ob peb zaug sau li kuv tau hais los hauv lub Topic Txais Tos XH.Ntxoov Tsab neb" mas thiaj li yuav tsis nkim sij hawm.
    Nyob zoo Niam hlob ua tsaug uas koj pab qhia kuv og, cia kuv sim li koj hais saib puas tau.
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique

    Messages : 3770
    Date d'inscription : 2009-10-16

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty Re: Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Post  Mim 16th October 2011, 3:11 pm

    Txawj Tuam wrote:Nyob zoo Mim thiab Mp neb hais li ntawd es ua li peb nyob rau sab ntuj no, ib pawg ntseeg twg puas yuav sib sau los nrog lawv hais txoj saw Mab Liab rau hnub ntawd los tsis hais nav. Thiab yog vim li cas kuv teb ib tus cov lus xwb ces ho tso tsi tau tawm li. Yog sim mas twb tawm txuas ua ke haub qab lawm, tiam sis yog kuv nias rau "send" kom tawm mas tsi pom tshwm li. Tsuas yog sau tau zaj tshiab xwb. Yog kuv tsi txawj los yog tshuav qhov twg nav. Thiab kuv lub npe ua cas ho nyob dua ib qho lawm tsis keeb nej li thov nej pab nrog kho rau.

    Nyob zoo Txawj Tuam,

    Tais Tooj twb tuaj teb koj me ntsis hais txog hais Saw mab Liab lawm. Tiam sis kuv rov tuaj piav me me ntxiv. Qhov chaw hais Saw mab liab saum toj no, hais tsis muaj hnub tsis muaj caij tsis muaj thaum li, hais thaum twg los tau tas nrho os, nruab hnub hmo ntuj huv tib si. Lawv yuav hais li no mus tas nrho lub 10 hli no. Yog koj xav teem rau nej ib pab neeg kom sawv daws tuaj nyob ua ke es koj qhib qhov chaw ntawd rau nej koom nrog lawv hais Saw Mab Lia los tau; hos koj tsis teem leej twg, koj cia li qhib rau koj ib leeg nkag mus nrog lawv hais xwb los tau li. Tiam sis yog lawv hais ua lus Aas Kiv thiab lus Spanish xwb, tsis muaj lus Hmoob. Yog nej paub ob hom lus no ib hom ces nej taum hom lus uas nej paub ces nej mus mloog tau lawv thiab nej cia li koom nrog lawv hais ua ke xwb. Koj twb nkag tau mus mloog lawv lawm los tsis tau? Yog koj tsis paub nkag mus mloog lawv no ces koj hais es peb mam li tuaj qhia koj nkag li cas os nawb.
    Tub Kawm
    Tub Kawm
    Phooj Ywg
    Phooj Ywg

    Messages : 375
    Date d'inscription : 2011-10-13

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty Re: Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Post  Tub Kawm 16th October 2011, 8:21 pm

    Mim wrote:
    Txawj Tuam wrote:Nyob zoo Mim thiab Mp neb hais li ntawd es ua li peb nyob rau sab ntuj no, ib pawg ntseeg twg puas yuav sib sau los nrog lawv hais txoj saw Mab Liab rau hnub ntawd los tsis hais nav. Thiab yog vim li cas kuv teb ib tus cov lus xwb ces ho tso tsi tau tawm li. Yog sim mas twb tawm txuas ua ke haub qab lawm, tiam sis yog kuv nias rau "send" kom tawm mas tsi pom tshwm li. Tsuas yog sau tau zaj tshiab xwb. Yog kuv tsi txawj los yog tshuav qhov twg nav. Thiab kuv lub npe ua cas ho nyob dua ib qho lawm tsis keeb nej li thov nej pab nrog kho rau.

    Nyob zoo Txawj Tuam,

    Tais Tooj twb tuaj teb koj me ntsis hais txog hais Saw mab Liab lawm. Tiam sis kuv rov tuaj piav me me ntxiv. Qhov chaw hais Saw mab liab saum toj no, hais tsis muaj hnub tsis muaj caij tsis muaj thaum li, hais thaum twg los tau tas nrho os, nruab hnub hmo ntuj huv tib si. Lawv yuav hais li no mus tas nrho lub 10 hli no. Yog koj xav teem rau nej ib pab neeg kom sawv daws tuaj nyob ua ke es koj qhib qhov chaw ntawd rau nej koom nrog lawv hais Saw Mab Lia los tau; hos koj tsis teem leej twg, koj cia li qhib rau koj ib leeg nkag mus nrog lawv hais xwb los tau li. Tiam sis yog lawv hais ua lus Aas Kiv thiab lus Spanish xwb, tsis muaj lus Hmoob. Yog nej paub ob hom lus no ib hom ces nej taum hom lus uas nej paub ces nej mus mloog tau lawv thiab nej cia li koom nrog lawv hais ua ke xwb. Koj twb nkag tau mus mloog lawv lawm los tsis tau? Yog koj tsis paub nkag mus mloog lawv no ces koj hais es peb mam li tuaj qhia koj nkag li cas os nawb.
    Thov ua koj tsaug og Mim uas koj tseem tuam qhia kuv thiab og. Hais txog ntawm txoj Saw Mab Liab, ces yog lawv hais ua lus Aas kiv thiab Spanish, xwb ces peb tsis paub nrog lawv hais ua kes, vim tias peb twb tsis paub lawv xeem lus li, tiam sis yog koj hais tias: hais lub sij hawm twg los tau tas nrho, thiab lawv yuav hais kom tas lub 10 hli no thiaj li tsis hais txoj saw Mab Liab thob ntiaj teb lawm no, yog li txawm tias kuv tsis txawj hais lawv xeem lus nrog lawv hais ua ke los, kuv mam hais ua lus hmoob og, tej zaum Niam Mab Liab yeej yuav paub hais tias: "txawm peb tsis txawj hais luas xeem lus los nrog luas hais ua kes los. Peb twb hais peb xeem lus lawm thiab, ces yeej zoo nkaus li peb sib koom hais ua ke lawm thia .. Thov kom niam Mab Liab dauv muag los ntsia peb cov me nyuam nyob ntiaj teb no.
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique

    Messages : 3770
    Date d'inscription : 2009-10-16

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty Re: Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Post  Mim 17th October 2011, 3:43 pm

    Nyob zoo Txawj Tuam,

    Txawm koj hais ua lus Hmoob los yeej zoo kawg nkaus li, tsis tas kom koj yuav hais lwm hom lus. Lus Hmoob thiaj yog peb xeem lus. Qhov zoo tshaj twb yog qhov koj qee koj lub sij hawm los mus nrog Niam mab Liab tham nrog nws nyob ib chim, nws yuav zoo siab thiab yuav pub txiaj ntsim ntau rau koj.
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique

    Messages : 3770
    Date d'inscription : 2009-10-16

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty Re: Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Post  Mim 10th November 2011, 3:58 pm

    Nyob zoo sawv daws,

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo 32Ntawm no yog ib qho xov xwm uas kuv coj tuaj qhia rau peb paub txog tias nyob cov teb chaws ntseeg ntuj zoo xws li Philippine teb, luag ua dab tsi. Kuv yuav tsis muab txhais kom tag tiam sis kuv yuav piav lub ntsiab tias zaj nram no yog hais txog dab tsi.

    Zaj nram no yog qhia tias tag kis lub 11 hlis tim 11 thaum 11 teev (nyob Philippine) mas yuav muaj kwv yees 11,000 leej tub ntxhais hluas koom hais txoj Saw Mab Liab thov ntuj kom muaj kev thaj yeeb rau lub ntiaj teb. Vim li ntawd lawv thiaj muaj lub npe tias: "Cov hluas hais Saw mab Liab thov kev thaj yeeb rau ntiaj teb thaum 11-11-11."

    Thousands of youth pray the rosary for world peace on 11-11-11

    DAGUPAN City, Nov. 7, 2011—A prayer event dubbed “Eleven Eleven Eleven” will mobilize around 11,000 youth nationwide to pray the rosary for world peace.

    “Eleven Eleven Eleven” will be held on November 11, 2011 at 11:00 o’clock in the morning with the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Dagupan City as the focal point.

    Christian Brothers’ De LaSalle schools, Saint Paul de Chartres Schools’ nationwide and the MAPSA Schools in Metro Manila have all committed to join in the “Eleven Eleven Eleven” prayer event.

    The activity is part of the ongoing rosary prayer campaign called “A Million Roses for the World (AMROW)” which started last October 10 and will end on May 30 next year. The AMROW movement has assigned one nation to pray for each day within the prayer campaign period. Last October 10, it was Angola; for November 11 will be Mauritania.

    In his invitation letter for the event, Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas stressed that change can only happen in the world through prayer, and “there can be no world peace without prayer.”

    “The rosary is the life of our Blessed Lord from the eyes of His Blessed Virgin Mother. This campaign aims to teach our youth that prayer can change the world and people who pray can change the destinies of peoples,” he said.

    In Dagupan City, the youth will gather for a Marian procession from the De Venecia Highway towards the Dagupan Cathedral where the archbishop with the priests and the youth will pray the rosary together for peace in the world, especially Mauritania.

    There is a need for the youth to rediscover the rosary and re-claim it as our favorite prayer, Villegas said.

    He said there is a need to explore new ways and means to make the Catholic faith appealing to the young, going beyond the traditional expressions of faith without forgetting the essentials.

    But he also lamented that the date 11-11-2011 has aroused on some people many superstitious beliefs and activities to gain fortune.

    “We must bring Christ into this day and give the youth a chance to focus on God and not on superstitions and secret charms for luck,” he said.

    “It will also be a good occasion for the youth to take pride about their being Pangasinenses and to thank God that we are Filipinos. The prayers of Filipinos will bring peace to the world,” he further stressed. (CBCPNews)

    Muab hauv no los:

    Maiv Tooj
    Maiv Tooj
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique
    Tswv Cuab Hmong Catholique

    Messages : 5527
    Date d'inscription : 2009-08-18

    Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo Empty Re: Hais saw Mab Liab thoob ntiaj teb 24 xuab moo

    Post  Maiv Tooj 10th November 2011, 10:39 pm


    Hnub no, Tim 11/11/ yog ib Hnub Yeej Rog 1914-18 (Tsov Rog Ntiaj Teb zaum Ib) nyob Fab Kis teb. Peb caiv tsis ua hauj lwm, tab sis lawb them nyiaj rau peb so. Yog li kuv muaj caij thiab, thaum tsog 11 teev tim kuv lub teb chaws, kuv yuav koom nrog cov Hluas nyob Fis Lis Pis hais txoj Saw Mab Liab thiab. Li cas los kuv twb niaj hnub hais, ces kuv mam li koom nrog lawv ua ke. Kuv yeej paub tias muaj ntau vam, ntau plhom neeg thoob ntiaj teb niaj hnub teev Saw Mab Liab.

    Ua tsaug rau nws kev tshaj lij.

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